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黑龙江华图 | 2020-06-17 16:14



  1. 阿基琉斯之踵(Achilles' Heel)


  典故背景介绍:When Achilles was a baby, it was foretold that he would die young. To prevent his death, his mother took him to the River Styx, which was supposed to offer powers of invulnerability, and dipped his body into the water; however, as Thetis was held Achilles by the heel, his heel was not washed over by the water of the magical river. Achilles grew up to be a man of war who survived many great battles. One day, a poisonous arrow shot at him was lodged in his heel, killing him shortly afterwards --希腊神话英雄唯一能被刺伤的地方,他出生后,母亲海洋女神握着他的脚跟在冥河里浸泡,全身上下金刚不死,除了被握住的脚踝,他的脚踝也成了他唯一的致命伤。

  寓意:比喻易受伤害的地方或者致命(a weakness in spite of overall strength, which can actually or potentially lead to downfall)

  适用情况: 完美物体、事物或者情形存在的唯一不足之处、瑕疵或者弱点

  真题再现1: Chinese style education

  e.g. Tiger-typed parents tend to be highly self-disciplined, organized, aggressive and invincible at work, but when it comes to family life, the education of their children becomes their Achilles' heel.

  真题再现2: automobile and our life

  e.g. The increasing emergency/availability of automobile coming at an affordable price for most people not only makes our life more convenient, but also propels the economic development. Unfortunately, the rising emission and heavy traffic caused by it is seen as its Achilles' heel.

  2. 达摩克利斯之剑(the sword of Damocles)


  典故背景介绍: Damocles was pandering to Dionysius, his king, and exclaimed to him that Dionysius was truly fortunate as a great man of power and authority, surrounded by magnificence. In response, Dionysius offered to switch places with Damocles so that Damocles could taste that very fortune firsthand. Damocles quickly and eagerly accepted the king's proposal. Damocles sat down in the king's throne surrounded by every luxury, but Dionysius arranged that a huge sword should hang above the throne, held at the pommel only by a single hair of a horse's tail. Damocles finally begged the king that he be allowed to depart because he no longer wanted to be so fortunate, realizing that with great fortune and power comes also great danger

  寓意:指安逸祥和背后所存在的杀机和危险(hidden/potential risk/dangers).

  适用情况: 空虚落寞挫败感相对于对毫无规律无节制的生活方式; 唯分数论对学校教育、对学生综合素质的发展; 生态环境恶化及保护对经济发展、人们生活方式的改善(家用汽车的普及、一次性饭盒、塑料袋的使用)

  真题再现1: Reward better than punishment!

  Para. 1. 观点

  Para 2. 原因(教育系统唯分数论使的应试分数成为悬挂在学校、学生和家长头上的达摩克里斯之箭,…惩罚能够获得实质性的分数汇报)

  The singular assessment of students’ academic achievement, namely, the sole scores, makes it become the sword of Damocles to schools, teachers, students and parents. (唯分数论)….

  Para 2. 措施(怎么样正确地给予奖励)

  Para 3. 强调观点

  真题再现2: Knowledge plus experience=good teacher?

  Para. 1 教育和好教师的重要性。

  Para. 2 强调知识储备和经验积累的重要性,但是其并非唯一因素,切不能因强调唯分数论,忽视教师品德的必要性。

  Para. 3 强调观点

  3.皮格马利翁效应(Pygmalion effect)


  典故背景介绍: Pygmalion is a sculptor who fell in love with a statue he had carved. The goddess of Love Aphrodite is finally moved by the affection Pygmalion shows for the statue and turned it into a real lady.

  寓意:it refers to the phenomenon whereby higher expectations lead to an increase in performance

  适用情况: 社会交往中人与人间相互存在的高期望(领导对下属、教师对学生、父母对孩子、长辈对晚辈)

  真题再现1: Love teaching, love your student

  Para. 1 观点:爱学生的重要性

  As one significant inspiration that can be drawn from Pygmalion Effect suggests, educators are supposed to have positive expectations of their students, to love and appreciate them all.

  Para. 2 怎么样去爱学生

  Para.3 强调观点

  真题再现2: Reward better than punishment!

  Para. 1. 观点

  Para 2. 原因(教师对学生的奖励是一种积极的期望暗示)

  Chinese parents and teachers are frequently and unfairly criticized for having too high expectations for their kids. But as suggested by Pygmalion Effect, high expectations from teachers can exert positive and desirable effect on students. Obviously, reward is more than a way of confirmation of the students’ performances and efforts. It is also a sound reflection of the great expectation teachers have for their students…

  Para 2. 措施(怎么样正确地给予奖励)

  Para 3. 强调观点





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